Tuesday, June 19, 2012


When I first started boot camp, my instructor asked me if I was a "one dayer" or "two dayer" for my soreness.  Meaning, do I usually get sore the next day or does it take two days for my soreness to come on?  I told her that I never really realized, but thought I was more of a "one dayer."  Ever since she asked me, I would pay attention to my soreness.  I can definitely say that I am a "two dayer"  I woke up this morning feeling pretty good.  I headed to hot yoga at 6 am and my body felt tight, but it wasn't sore.  Now, several hours later, it hurts to get off the couch and I can only imagine how I will feel tomorrow!  Don't get me wrong, I love the feeling of being sore, but sometimes it gets uncomfortable after a certain point.  So what am I going to do to help my soreness??? I think my fiance and I will go for a short run this evening to loosen up my lactic acid.  My legs (quads) are the most sore part on my body.  My arms are a tad bit sore.  I really thought I would be more sore since I upped my weights last night.

Before hot yoga I needed a little pick me up, so for a quick bite I made some protein frosting and put them on a few crackers with blueberries.  After yoga was finished and I showered and headed to work I had a toasted peanut butter and jelly with a smashed banana spread inside.  It was so so so good!  I of course used my favorite organic peanut butter and sugar free jelly.

For lunch I made some tofu noodles (interesting) with spaghetti sauce.  It was decent.  Didn't eat a lot so after work came home and had some mango salsa....my favorite!

Plans for dinner included grilling out with John.  Planning on have some chicken and veggies!

Time to go stretch!

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